
                                 I do not think of myself as a courageous person.

I think many of my friends around me, family, strangers, and even my husband are courageous. But me? No way! At least that is what I tell my self and Satan too. He is great at that you know. He knows my weaknesses, hopes, and hearts desire, just like my God does, but he has a different plan for me than God. Not a perfect and pleasing plan. His plan is to not be courageous. I think it's because he knows how powerful we can be when we are courageous people! Courageous in God that is.

      I am not referring to courageous moments when you decided to ride that insanely crazy roller coaster. Not the courage to eat an oyster and then your left thinking oh no what do I do?!! I am not courageous where is a napkin! What was I thinking?! I will gracefully and quickly, well to say the least spit it in a napkin. Oh I will never forget that wanna be courageous moment! Thank goodness the friends/family I was with loved me, no matter what! 

      I am talking about the kind of courage it takes to love even if that person doesn't love you back. To give without expectations of recognition or even a gift in return. To say hello to a stranger with a caring heart. To love Jesus boldly and tell him I am forever yours! This is courage my friend! I am very thankful for the people who put their own lives at risk to save others, so very thankful. Courageous Indeed! 

"Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord God, my God, is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you until all the work for the service of the temple of the Lord are finished." 1 Chronicles 28:20                                

                         So why are we not courageous people at moments? Satan? Ourselves? Critics?             

                                             “Whatever you do, you need courage. Whatever course you decide on,
 there is always someone to tell you that you are wrong. 
There are always difficulties arising that tempt you to believe that your critics are right. 
To map out a course of action and follow it to an end
 requires some of the same courage that a soldier needs. 
Peace has its victories, 
but it takes brave men and women to win them.” -Emmerson

Critics are all around us. Some are strangers, some are family members, and some even ourselves. What is the saying? You are your own worst critic. Whatever the motives of a critic, they can do it better, do not understand you, maybe a negative person. Your lack of confidence. Your scared to fail. Whatever the reason or whoever the critic.
You have a choice.....
To listen and quit
Be COURAGEOUS and soar your wings!
Rise above the low standards of normality and be courageous in God's word. Your critic will not rise with you and cheer you on every step of the way. But I do know that God will encourage me and be there every single step.
"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you." Deuteronomy 31:6
Today rise up and be COURAGEOUS in everything you do.

 Love to you all~


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